A Record of
Neriah Lewis Sr. and Related Families

Compiled by

K. Howard Lewis

     19. TARLETON LEWIS, son of David2 (John1) and Ann (Beason Lewis, born 11 August 1787 in Guilford County, North Carolina. Tarleton married RACHEL WILLIAMS of Guilford County, North Carolina. They were the parents of five children, all born in Guilford County, North Carolina:
               105. JAMES LEWIS, b. 13 Nov. 1807.
               106. ANN BEASON LEWIS, b. 10 Jan. 1810; md. JOSHUA HOLDEN.
               107. RUTH WELLS LEWIS, b. 7 Oct. 1811; md. WILLIAM R. DUFF.
               108. MARGARET LEWIS, b. 27 Jan. 1815; md. Mr. FIELDS, 28 Jan. 1836.
               109. DAVID LEWIS, b. 7 Oct. 1818; md. 20 Feb. 1840 to SUSANNAH BYRCE.

     20. HANNAH LEWIS, daughter of David2 (John1) and Ann (Beason) Lewis, born2 October 1789 in Guilford County, North Carolina. She married EZEKIEL HARLIN in Pickens, South Carolina. He was of Pickens, South Carolina. Her second husband was SILAS PERRY . She died 22 July 1869 in Johnson County, Missouri. Hannah and Ezekiel were blessed with three children, all born in North Carolina:
               110. DAVID M. HARLIN, b. 14 Jan. 1809; md. LUCINDA TUCKER.
               111. ELIZA HARLIN, b. 1 Aug. 1812; md. SAMUEL CRAIG.
               112. SUSAN JANE HARLIN, b. 9 Dec. 1814; md. JAMES PERRY.


     89. JAMES LEWIS, Bon of Jacobl2 (David2 John1) and Ailsey (Leonard) Lewis, born 26 July 1807 of Pickens County, South Carolina. He married 28 October 1826 to MARY STEWART. She was born 11 October 1811 of Pickens, South Carolina. Mary was a daughter of Robert and Isabella (Curtis) Stewart. Mary died 23 March 1883 and James died 26 March 1883 - both in Pickens County, South Carolina. They were blessed with thirteen children, all born in Pickens, South Carolina:
               113. LEONARD LEWIS, b. 13 Oct. 1829; md. Miss FIELDS.
               114. ROBERT STEWART LEWIS, b. 9 Oct. 1831; Md. ELVIRA GILLESPIE.
               115. SARAH ANN LEWIS, b. 14 Aug. 1833; Md. WILLIAM WARREN EDENS.
               116. ELIZABETH LEWIS, b. 9 June 1835; md. Mr. GILSTRAP.
     +     117. JOHN TARLETON LEWIS, b.. 8 Feb. 1837; md. EMMALISSA ROBERTSON.
               118. REBECCA JANE LEWIS, b. 20 July 1839; md. ALEC EDENS.
               119. AILSIE ADELINA LEWIS, b. 10 June 1841; Md. ELIAS HINKLE.
               120. MARY MALINDA LEWIS, b.. 14 June 1843; md. JAMES M. STEWART.
               121. NANCY KATHERINE LEWIS, b. 4 Aug. 1845.
               122. PHALBA LEWIS, b. 7 July 1847; md. JAMES NIMMONS.
               123. HENRY JACOB LEWIS, b. 8 June 1849; Md. JOSIE STEWART.
               124. AIRY MELISSA LEWIS, b. 10 Mar. 1852; md. (1) Mr. LOOPER.
               125. MARGARET LEWIS, b. 10 Aug. 1853; md. RUFUS STEWART.
92.     LEONARD LEWIS, son of Joab13 (David2 Johnl) and Phelba (Barton) Lewis, born in 1800 at Guilford County, North Carolina. He married SARAH WILLIAMS of Simpson County, Kentucky. She was a daughter of James and Sarah (Barnard) Williams. Leonard and Sarah were the parents of twelve children, all born in Simpson County, Kentucky:;
               126. JAKES W. LEWIS, b. about 1820; md. ELIZABETH ALDERSON.
               127. JOAB LEWIS, b. about 1822; md. JANE CAPEL; died 14 Feb. 1903.
               128. JOHN W. LEWIS, b. about 1824; md. SALLIE ALDERSON.

               129. ISAIAH LEWIS, b. Feb. 1826; md. SUSANNAH ALDERSON.
               130. MARY ELIZABETH LEWIS, b. 9 Jan. 1826; md. JACOB HENDRICKS.
               131. NERIAH LEWIS, b. about 1830; md. LUCINDA YOUNG.
               132. SARAH F. LEWIS, b. about 1832; md. PERRY LOVELADY.
               133. LEONARD LEWIS, b. 16 June 1834; md. SERENA F. ALDERSON.
               134. ENOCH LEWIS, b. about 1836; md. ELIZA MAYS.
               135. CATHERINE LEWIS, b. about 1838; md. ARCH CHAPMAN.
               136. NANCY J. LEWIS, b. about 1840; md. JOHN J. ALDERSON.
               137. MELVINA S. LEWIS, b. about 1842; md. JAMES WALTON.

     93. ANN LEWIS, daughter of Neriah15 (David2 Johnl) and Mary (Moss) Le     wis, born 21 December 1800 in Pendleton District, South Carolina. She married ELLIS WILCOX on the 24th of February 1824 in Simpson County, Kentucky. He was born 12 August 1789 in Davidson Co. Tenn. son of John & Lucinda (Oglesby) Wilcox. Ann and Ellis lived for five years in Simpson County, Kentucky and had three children born to them - Lucinda, Neriah Lewis and Mary. Mary died and was buried there. The Wilcox Family moved in 1828 to the Western part of Sangamon County, Illinois, where they located a claim and lived there the remainder of their lives. Ellis lived to be 100 years old and at a centennial celebration in his honor: The account of the "Centenarian" was copied from the Springfield Monitor in 1889. An excerpt from the account-"One hundred years reached by Ellis Wilcox, of Island Grove, Sangamon County, Illinois. The event was celebrated Monday by a grand picnic on the old farm, where Ellis and ,Ann settled when first coming to Illinois to make their home. The spot selected was a grove that skirted the meandering stream which runs through the farm. The stand and seats located in the grove, a natural amphitheater where the crowd could easily overlook the stand, and the speakers could be heard while they talked to the audience. The choir and the brass band could also be seen and heard from the stand. In the center of the stand in the back was an old wooden clock, an heirloom, which had been in the family for years. On both sides of the clock was the crayon portrait of Mr.. and Mrs. Wilcox, the venerable centenarian to the left, and that of his deceased companion in life to the right. In the center was an old time center table with a lovely bank of cut flowers. In an old fashioned arm chair sat the patriarch, and on either side of him his old friends and the presiding officer" - end of quote.

     Ellis and Ann (Lewis) Wilcox were blessed with ten children. The first three were born in Simpson County, Kentucky and the remaining seven were born in Sangamon County, Illinois:
               139. LUCINDA WILCOX, b. 15 Feb. 1825; md. 3 Oct. 1844, THOMAS RHEA.
               140. NERIAH LEWIS WILCOX, b. about 1826.
               141. MARY WILCOX, b., about 1827.
          142. MALINDA WILCOX, b. in 1829.
               143. THOMAS MOORE WILCOX, b. 28 June 1831; md. 27 Mar. 1856 to CATHERINE RUBBLE.
               144. JOHN F. WILCOX, b. 12 Feb. 1836; md. 23 July 1863 to MARY RHEA.
               145. CHARLES H. WILCOX, b. 10 May 1838; md. CAROLINA CARUTHERS, 11 Sep. 1864.
               146. SAMUEL M. WILCOX, b. about 1840.
               147. WILLIAM WILCOX, b. about 1842; died in infancy.
               148. JOSIAH L. WILCOX, b. 26 Nov. 1844; md. ALICE V. PARKER.

Source: (93) Records of Mrs. Laura Smith, 1020 Bloomfield, Farmington, New Nexico.

     94. MARTHA LEWIS, daughter of Neriah15 (David2 Johnl) and Mary (Moss) Lewis, born 6 March 1802 in Pendleton District, South Carolina. She married TRAVIS MOORE. Martha and Travis probably had a large family, but at the time this book was compiled the records of only one child had been found. His name was Neriah Thomas Moore and he joined the Mormon Church and came to Utah with the Pioneers.

     Travis and Martha (Lewis) Moore were the parents of:
     +          149. NERIAH THOMAS MOORE, b. 23 Mar. 1832 Island Grove, Illinois; md. RHODA CAROLINE KNIGHT.

     95. BENJAMIN LEWIS, son of Neriah15 (David2 Johnl) and Mary (Moss) Lewis, born 22 April 1803 in Pendleton District, South Carolina. (In 1826 Pendleton District became Anderson County). Benjamin was among the faithful ones who yielded their lives to the bitter enemies of the Latter-day Saints, a valiant member of the Church in those perilous times. In 1809 the Lewis family moved to Kentucky and settled in Simpson County. That same year Leonard Ryon and his wife, Frances (Adams) Ryon, with their family, moved from Clark County to Simpson County, Kentucky. Benjamin married one of their daughters, JOANNAH RYON. She was born 8 April 1808 in Clark County, Kentucky. Benjamin was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints by James Emmett in March 1835. His wife, Joannah, also became a member and stood faithfully by through all the early day trials and hardships. Benjamin was ordained an Elder in the Spring of 1835 by Elder James Emmett and Peter Dustin and was made President of the branch in Simpson County, Kentucky when it was organized.

     In 1836 Benjamin and his family moved to Macoupin County, Illinois. In the summer of 1837 they went to make their home in Caldwell County, Missouri. They lived at the mill - in Haun's Mill, on Shoal Creek, about twenty miles below Far West in October 1838. A number of our people who were living at Haun's Mill, together with a number of immigrants who had been stopped there in the excitement, made an agreement with the mob in the vicinity, that neither party should molest the other, but dwell in peace. Shortly after this agreement was made a mob party of two or three hundred came upon our people, whose number was about forty men. Notwithstanding they begged for mercy, they shot them down as they would a tiger. A few made their escape by fleeing. Eighteen were killed and a number wounded severely. The slaughter of these didn't satisfy the mob. Then they proceeded to rob and plunder. The scene that presented itself after the massacre, to the widows and the orphans of those killed is beyond description. (History of the Church Vol. II page 221). When the mob began shooting many of the women took their children and ran to the woods. Among them was Joannah Lewis, with her children. They remained there all night and when Joannah Lewis returned to her home at dawn, she found Benjamin at the side of the house badly wounded. He had received a bullet in his breast while in the blacksmith shop. The men and boys had tried to take shelter there and many were slain and wounded. Dispite Benjamin's terrible condition, he managed to reach his home, a distance of one hundreds rods. He was gently assisted into the house and the family did all they could for him. The bullet, which had lodged in his body, was emitted from his mouth. He died bearing a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel. He also asked his wife to remain with the body of the Church. He died 31 October 1838.

     With courage beyond understanding, Joannah picked up the threads of life, determined to remain with the body of the Church so that she might raise her children under the influence of the gospel, for which their father had given his life.. Word of Benjamin's death had been sent to Joannah's parents in Kentucky. Benjamin's brother, Beason, who had married Joannah's sister, Elizabeth, was sent to take the bereaved family back to the Ryon home where she could have lived in wealth. In order to ease the pressure she knew would be brought to bear by her people, she moved from place to place so they might not overtake her. A few days after the death of her husband her youngest child died. In due time she settled with her children, in Nauvoo, Illinois. She found peace in serving others, helping the sick and those otherwise in need of help. During the last year of her life she had a paralytic stroke and was tenderly 'cared for by her young daughter, Martha Ann. She died in 1846, just as the Saints were being driven from Nauvoo.

     It was Beason Lewis who came to Missouri to take Benjamin's family back home. Later when Joannah died it was Beason and his wife, Elizabeth, who took the orphan children into their home and gave them the love, care and protection they needed. Beason and his family were among the first company to leave for the Salt Lake Valley after Brigham Young's Company. Beason and his wife were not members of the church at this time, as they had only come west with the pioneers to keep Benjamin's children with the body of the Saints. He and his wife, Elizabeth, were converted and were baptized after they arrived in Utah.

     Benjamin and Joannah (Ryon) Lewis were blessed with six children, the first five were born in Simpson County, Kentucky and the last child was born in Caldwell County, Missouri:.
               150. MARY FRANCES LEWIS, b. 6 Aug. 1827; md. JOHN YORK.
     +          151. JOHN MOSS LEWIS, b. 16 Feb. 1829; md. (1) MARTHA JANE CRISMON; md. (2) Mrs. John STALEY (widow).
     +          152. WILLIAM CRAWFORD LEWIS, b. 24 Nov. 1830; md. (1) SARAH JANE VEACH; md. (2) MARTHA ANN KINGSBURY.
     +          153. MARTHA ANN LEWIS, b. 20 Feb. 1833; md. SANFORD BINGHAM.
     +          154. SARAH ELIZABETH LEWIS, b. 3 Apr. 1835; md. GEORGE PRESTON DAVIS.
               155. REBECCA JANE LEWIS, b. 26 July 1838; died 6 Nov. 1838.

Source: Family records of Ray Crawford Lewis, who was a son of William Crawford Lewis; family records of Mrs. Laura (McBride) Smith, Farmington, New Mexico.

     96. TARLTON LEWIS, son of Neriah15 (David2 John1) and Mary (Moss) Lewis, born 18 May 1805 in Pendleton District, South Carolina. His parents and their family left South Carolina and settled in Kentucky when Tarlton was about five years old. When Tarlton was a small boy he was afraid of ghosts. He had to bring in the cows and it was usually dark before they were gathered in; so he told his father he didn't want to go after the cows. "Well" said his father "the next time you see a ghost - I tell you what you do. Pick up a big stick and walk right up to the thing and hit it hard and you will never be scared again." Tarlton had always loved and obeyed his father- so one night sure enough he could see a ghost through the big trees in the forest. His first impulse was to run, then he remembered what his father had told him. He found a,big stick and with trembling hands and knees shaking, he walked right up to the ghost- and there stood one of the old milk cows with a white calf walking around her. It was a lesson Tarlton never forgot and he was never afraid of ghosts anymore.

     The growing up years of Tarlton Lewis were on his father's farm in Simpson County, Kentucky. Tarlton and his brothers were big men and they learned the value of work while they were still young. It is related that the Lewis brothers cut six to eight loads of wood per day. Two of these Lewis brothers, Tarlton and Beason, were so proficient with their axes they were jokingly called "Saw Mills".

     Tarlton grew up, fell in love with, and married MALINDA GIMLIN. They were married 27 March 1828. She was born 27 March 1811 in Burksville, Cumberland County, Kentucky, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Moore) Gimlin. Tarlton and Malinda were baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. 25 July 1836 by Benjamin Lewis, his brother. Just prior to the birth of their 3rd child, Beason, who was born 19 July 1836, they moved to Macoupin County, Illinois. 1838 found Tarlton and family in Caldwell County, Missouri. He and two of his brothers, Benjamin and David, had come to Missouri with the Saints. Tarlton was one who was wounded at the Haun's Mill Massacre. His borther, Benjamin, was killed. Tarlton was wounded in the shoulder and he carried the bullet to his grave. Despite this shocking tragedy the two surviving brothers never lost faith in the Gospel. In October 1839, Tarlton and family, moved to Commerce, later called Nauvoo, Illinois. Tarlton was set apart as Bishop of the Nauvoo 4th Ward by the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum. He also helped build the Nauvoo Temple, where he and Malinda received their endowments on the 17th of December 1845 and were sealed for time and eternity on the 6th of February 1846. They left almost immediately afterward for Winter Quarters, where they and the Saints suffered much from cold and hunger. In April 1847 Tarlton left his family camped in wagons at Winter Quarters and started West with Brigham Young's Company, as one of the original pioneers. He was asked to be Captain over fifty wagons. He took care of the ox teams and other jobs along the trail. They arrived in Salt Lake Valley, 24 July 1847. Tarlton was to act as Bishop of Salt Lake City, a position which he held until the Saints were organized into five wards. Later Tarlton was asked to Serve as 2nd Counselor to Bishop Edward Hunter of the 13th Ward.

     In 1848 Tarlton went back to Winter Quarters to meet the immigrants. He found his family just as he had left them and he brought them back to Utah with him. In 1850 Tarlton accompanied George A. Smith to Iron County, where they settled Parowan and Tarlton was soon made Bishop of that town. In 1858 Tarlton Lewis, Isaac Grundy, Jesse N. Smith and William Barton were sent to explore Beaver Valley. While working in this territory they discovered rich deposits of lead and iron in the mountains. Specimens were taken to Brigham Young, which caused quite a bit of excitement. These men were asked to open the mines and layout a townsite and Minersville was settled in 1859. One of the first families to arrive in the new town was Samuel Lewis, Tarlton's oldest son.

     An excerpt from a speech given by Bishop Tarlton Lewis in Parowan, Utah just prior to the Mountain Meadow Massacre- Bishop Lewis then reviewed the remarks of the previous speaker (who was Lot Smith) and said this "All good and for good - all the scenes that Brother Lot has recounted I shared in Missouri. My brother was killed in Missouri and I am alive to avenge his blood when the Lord wills. The second time I heard a Mormon preach he declared, holding up a book of Mormon, that this is a record of the Red Men and God's dealings with their forefathers, and that one day We should carry this book to the Indians. We are now living among them to carry this work to them. We must treat them like children to quit their savage ways. Shall we have no opportunities? We shall. No conquest without a struggle; no victory without a fight. Be diligent and faithful and patient and the Lord will reward you when you have been proved. Ephraim is the battle ax of the Lord. May we not have been sent to learn how to use this ax with skill." (end of quote)

     Tarlton married (2) ELIZABETH CARSON who was born 1O August 1833 in St. Clair, Alabama. She was the daughter of Samuel and Eliza Jane (Adair) Carson. Elizabeth's first husband was David Lewis, who was a brother of Tarlton. David Lewis died 5 September 1855 leaving Elizabeth with two young daughters. She married Tarlton Lewis about 1856 and they had two sons, Benjamin and William David. Tarlton and Elizabeth (Carson) Lewis separated and she married (3) Neils Otto Martensen. Tarlton married (3) JANE PEARCE about 1857. Her birth place is not known but. she lived in Parowan, Utah. She and Tarlton had two sons- they later seperated. Tarlton and Malinda (Gimlin) Lewis were blessed with eight children as follows:

     +          156. SAMUEL LEWIS. b. 27 Oct. 1829 Simpson County, Kentucky; md. SARAH JANE HUNTSMAN.
               157. MARY LEWIS, b. 10 Sep. 1831 Simpson County, Ky.; d. 12 Feb. 1837.
     +          158. BEASON LEWIS, b. 19 July 1836; md. (1) ADELINE RHODES; md. (2) MARY MAGDELINE NAZER; md. (3) ALICE L. SWANIGEN.
               159. EDWARD PARTRIDGE LEWIS, b. 3 Jan. 1840 Nauvoo; d. 11 Dec. 1846.
               160. MALINDA LEWIS, b. 30 Jan. 1844 Nauvoo, Ill.; d. 28 Aug. 1858.
     +          161. TARLTON LEWIS, b. 23 Dec. 1846 Pottawattmie Co., Iowa; md. ELMIRA FERGUSON.
     +          162. MARTHA GIMLIN LEWIS, b. 10 July 1849 Salt Lake City, Utah; md. CHRISTIAN JOHNSON.
               163. EPHRAIM LEWIS, b. 17 June 1852 Parowan, Utah; d. 20 Apr. 1868.

     Tarlton and Elizabeth (Carson) Lewis were the parents of two sons:
     +          164. BENJAMIN LEWIS, b. 1 Feb. 1858 Parowan, Utah; md. (1) HENRIETTA PEARSON; md. (2) ALICE THOMAS.
     +          165. WILLIAM DAVID LEWIS, b. 6 May 1860 Parowan, Utah; md. SARAH SYNTHELIA BARTON.

     Tarlton and Jane (Pearce) Lewis were the parents of two sons:
               166. JOSEPH LEWIS, b. 1859 in Parowan, Utah.
               167. ADELBERT LEWIS, b. 1861.

Source: (96) family records of Mrs. Laura (McBride) Smith, Farmington, New Mexico; records of Ray Crawford Lewis- deceased.

     97. JOHN LEWIS, son of Neriah15 (David2 John1) and Mary (Moss) Lewis, born 19 May 1807 in Pendleton District, South Carolina. John was about three years old when his parents moved to Simpson County, Kentucky. He was the 5ch child of a family of 12, growing up on a farm in Simpson County and learning the skills of frontier life. John married (1) ELIZABETH WOODS, probably in Macoupin County, Illinois. He married (2) MARY McCLURE. John and Elizabeth Woods Lewis had children, four were found on the 1860 Census of Macoupin County, Illinois:.
               168. WILLIAM LEWIS, b. 1841 Macoupin County, Illinois.
               169. CHARLES LEWIS, b. 1845 Macoupin County, Illinois.
               170. ELIZABETH LEWIS, b. 1848; md. JOHN PROFFITT.
               171. KATE LEWIS, b. 1852; Shaw Point, Macoupin County, Illinois.

     98. BEASON LEWIS, son of Neriah15 (David2 John1) and Mary (Moss) Lewis, born 23 February 1809 in Pendleton District, South Carolina. He married (1) ELIZABETH RYON, daughter of Leonard and Frances (Adams) Ryon. When the Lewis family left Pendleton District, South Carolina and settled in Simpson County, Kentucky, Beason was only an infant. Neriah's sons, including Beason, were well trained in farming. They cleared the trees from the land, built homes, plowed and planted. Beason and his brothers were also coopers by trade. They were also breeders of fine stock and horses and being men of strength, they were able to protect themselves and others from the Indians and other dangers of that time. When Benjamin, Beason's brother, was killed at Haun's Mill and his family was left without his protection it was Beason and Elizabeth who came to take them back to their former home and when Joannah died, (Benjamin Lewis,' wife) Beason and Elizabeth became guardians of their orphaned children.

     Beason Lewis was well prepared to cross the plains with good horses and strong wagons. He and Aunt Betsy brought their farm stock with them, among which there were cows which had to be milked night and morning. When butter was needed a container of cream was put on the back of the wagon before starting the days journey. When they stopped in the evening the butter was churned and ready for use..

     After arriving in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847 their stay was very short for they returned to Winter Quarters. Beason returned to Utah in 1849 and his wife remained in the East until September 1851. On the 23rd of February 1852 Uncle Beason was ordained a member of the second quorum of Seventies in Salt Lake City. Shortly before his death Beason Lewis was ordained a Patriarch by President Wilford Woodruff. In the Spring of 1860 Beason and family moved to Richmond, Utah. By this time Benjamin Lewis' children were married and on their own. Beason's family at that time consisted of he and Elizabeth, his second wife and her daughter, Almira, Martha Ann and Maria Kingsbury, William Skidmore and B.F. Grant. After living in Richmond for about three years they moved to Three Mile Creek, just South of Brigham City, Utah. After 1 ½ years they moved back to Richmond, Utah.

     Beason followed his trade as cooper making wooden tubs, buckets and churns. These were made of cedar wood and bound with brass hoops. He promised the girls a set of these when they were married, but when the time came he was so crippled up with rheumatism he had given up the trade entirely. Besides his trade he worked his farm and a few acres around his home. His gardens were the attraction of the whole country. The straight rows and no weeds were allowed in his garden. His natural love for fine stock and horses was satisfied as he filled his farm with domestic animals. Everything on the farm was kept in the best of condition and was in the right place. Uncle Beason and Aunt Betsy were very orderly. Gravel was hauled from the mountains for the walks around the house and stables. He was the first man in Cache Valley to invest in farm implements.

     Uncle Beason was a regular attendant at church. He always went early and sat in the same place. The people all knew and left that special seat for him. He was a great lover of children but had none of his own. In the winter he would gather the children in his sleigh and take them to school. He was a very good provider for those in his care and his heart moved in sympathy for those in distress. B.M. Grant said: "Uncle Beason and Aunt Betsy had a great influence over my whole life. No boy or girl that lived with them could have had a more loyal father and mother than they were to all of us who lived with them during my stay with them in their home. I believe God will bless their memory for what they did for us and I am sure there is a place in the Kingdom of God where they can continue in this good work- Caring for Boys and Girls."

     The following was taken from the writings of Martha Skidmore - "Uncle Beason was tall, broad and heavy, but not fat. There was no double chin, but his cheeks were somewhat sagging. His heart was so large that it fit well in that massive frame. His kindness endeared him to everyone and he was everyones "Uncle Beason." He dearly loved children and neither Aunt Betsy or Aunt Sarah bore him any. He was a lover of horses and in all my life I have never seen such a beautiful team of perfectly matched dapple greys than his. He had a two seated pea-green sleigh, with bells, the only one in town. On cold winter mornings he would drive out with his fine outfit.. He would stop at some inter-section, even the Pied Piper had nothing on him. Children ran from every house at the sound of those sleigh bells. When the inside of the sleigh was filled they would cling like leeches to the outside. He would deposit his load at school and go back for more. One day I got left. Mother gave me a handkerchief to mop up the tears and told me to run. I reached the gate just as Uncle Beason passed our place. He turned back to the stepping block and patted the seat beside him and said proudly "T'aint every little girl that gets a chance to ride alone with Uncle Beason in his sleigh." When we reached the school house the teacher was just ringing the bell. He said, "Well, we made it by the skin of our teeth." I thanked him and he said, "I'll be see'n ye" and was off. That was sixty years ago and I was only six years old but I could never forget Uncle Beason if I lived ten times that long.

     He was ill a long time before he died. One day our Primary Class went to sing for him. He cried out loud when we sang "In Our Lovely Deseret". We sang two songs. As we filled out, we would shake his hand and say, "Goodbye Uncle Beason". He knew the name of every child. When I went to shake his hand he held my hand gently in both of his and looking deeply into my eyes he said, "Oh this is Ellen's girl", as if my mother had been his daughter. A short time later he died. He still lives in the hearts of those who knew him. He died 22 January 1888 in Richmond, Utah.

     99. SAMUEL LEWIS, son of Neriah15 (David2 John1) and Mary (Moss) Lewis, born 1 November 1810 in Simpson County, Kentucky. Be was the first child of Neriah and Mary (Moss) Lewis that was born in Kentucky. The six children that were older than Samuel were born in Pendleton District, South Carolina. Samuel married REBECCA WRIGHT. They probably had a large family but the name of only one child has been found by the compiler of this book. His record will be found in the next generation under his assigned number. The child of Samuel and Rebecca (Wright) Lewis was:.
     +          172. DAVID LEWIS, b. in 1841 Carlinsville Macoupin County, Illinois; md. LOUISA

     101. DAVID LEWIS, son of Neriah15 (David2 John1) and Mary (Moss) Lewis, born 10 April 1814 in Simpson County, Kentucky. EXCERPTS FROM THE DIARY OF DAVID LEWIS - "My father emigrated from South Carolina to Kentucky, being among the first settlers to that country. My father had four hundred acres of beautiful land - about one hundred acres in farm and the remainder of his land was timber land. Our home was a large two story double house on a public road, three miles East of the town of Franklin, Simpson County, Kentucky. A beautiful yard surrounded the house, about one acre square, neatly covered with blue grass. Two beautiful mulberry trees and one beautiful cedar tree growing in the south yard. Beautiful cherry trees grew on the out edge of the yard, one rod distance from each other. These mulberry and cherry trees bore splendid fruit. A beautiful orchard on the west which joined the yard and in it were most all the varieties of fruits that were common for that country.

     I well recollect the first time I ever heard my mother talk about God. and the devil. She said that there was a good man and a bad man that lives above in the clouds and if I done bad the bad man would get me when I died, but if I was a good boy and would mind her and father and wouldn't tell lies nor swear nor steal that when I died the good man would take me to live again with him in the clouds. This had a deep impression on my mind and I told my older brothers the story when they came from the field. My parents not being religious they very seldom told me anything about God or Heaven. I seldom went to meetings and when I did I got no understanding of the plan of salvation. There were Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians and Univeralions or Dunkards and they all disagreed about the scriptures. I asked father which one of them was right and he sait he did not know and I thought it strange that father did not know about these things. The true plan of salvation - for this was a subject that I greatly desired to know, although I was young and to all appearances thoughtless of any such matters. I was often vexed at preachers, exorting the people and telling them to come to Christ and never telling them how to come. I have never got an understanding from any of the preachers how the plan was but I always thought if I could find out to my satisfaction I would obey it and I promised to myself when I got to be a man I would find out to my satisfaction and do right and be honest and try to get to heaven where the good man lived.

     I was married in my 20th year it being 23 November 1834. My wife's name was DURITHA TRAIL. She was born 5 January 1813 in Simpson County, Kentucky, daughter of Soloman and Nancy (Durant) Trail. We were both baptized on the 24th of March 1835 into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by James Emmet who was accompanied by Peter Dustin. I was ordained an Elder under the hands of my brother, Benjamin Lewis.

     The distance from Kentucky, my birth place, to Missouri, the gathering place of the Saints was about six hundred miles. I stopped in Caldwell County, entered land, built a house and commenced to make a farm- to till the ground when the cry of war was heard around us. The people that lived in that country became alarmed to see so many people gather to one place all of one religion. They raised many false accusations against us in order to have us drove from the state. Their purpose being that they might possess our houses and farms and we being too few in number to defend ourselves against the many thousand that gathered against us. They commenced stealing our cattle, driving them off by the droves and all manner of robbing and abusing us carried on by the people of Missouri - history of which has been fully given. There are some circumstances that came directly under my own observation and I will write them that others may know what I have passed through and witnessed. I lived about eighteen miles east of Farwest, Missouri and one quarter of a mile from Haun's Mill, where a bloody butchery took place wherein I was present and one who barely escaped" - end of quote.

     David Lewis was six feet one inch tall. His weight was two hundred pounds. He had blue eyes, black hair and was well built. He and his family crossed the great plains with the pioneers and settled in Sale Lake City, Utah. David married (2) ELIZABETH CARSON on the 4th of August 1852 at which time they were sealed for time and eternity. She was born 10 August 1833 in Pickens County Alabama, daughter of Samuel and Eliza Jane (Adair) Carson. David Lewis died in September 1855. After his death his second wife, Elizabeth Carson, married Tarlton Lewis who was a brother to David. David and Duritha (Trail) Lewis were the parents of six children:
               173. ARMINTA LEWIS, b. about 1836 in Kentuckyj md. GEORGE BAKER.
     +          174. PRESTON KING LEWIS, b. 15 Nov. 1839 in Simpson Co., Kentucky; md. (1) VIRTUE ANN BOWTHORPE md. (2) SARAH COLEMAN.
               175. DAVID LEWIS, b. 1 Mar. 1843 Nauvoo, Ill.; died 30 Sep. 1866.
     +          176. SINEY LEWIS, b. 1 Aug. 1848 Council Bluffs, Iowa; md. (1) ELIZABETH COLEMAN md. (2) ELIZABETH BLAIR.
               177. OLIVE LEWIS, b. 1 Aug. 1848 Council Bluffs, Iowa; md. (1) DAVID BRINTON; md. (2) WYLIE HILL.
               178. WILLIAM TRAlL LEWIS, b. 14 June 1852 Salt Lake City, Utah died 25 Jan. 1867.

     David and Elizabeth (Carson) Lewis were blessed with the following two daughters:
     +          179. ELIZA JANE LEWIS, b. 18 June 1853 Salt Lake City, Utah; md. JOSEPH FISH.
     +          180. ELIZABETH ANN LEWIS, b. 29 May 1854 Parowan, Utah; md. ELI ALGER WHITNEY.

     102. NERIAH LEWIS, son of Neriah15 (David2 John1) and Mary (Moss) Lewis, born 29 April 1816 in Simpson County, Kentucky. According to family tradition Neriah Sr. had seventeen Uncles in the Revolutionary War. In 1810 the Lewis family moved from Pendleton District to Simpson County, Kentucky. Neriah was one of twelve children, eight boys and four girls. The family members were large in stature. Neriah was the smallest of the brothers, was six feet one inch tall and weighed one hundred and seventy pounds. The boys helped their father to clear the land in Kentucky in order that crops could be raised and homes built. Neriah married (1) REBECCA HENDRICKS, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca (Dorris) Hendricks. She was born 23 December 1817 in Simpson County, Kentucky. After reaching Salt Lake Valley, Rebecca died and Neriah married (2) MARTHA CATHERINE YOUNGBLOOD. They were married 28 March 1857 in the Endowment House, Salt Lake City, Utah. She was born 15 December 1836 in Perry County, Alabama, daughter of John and Edna (Neal) Youngblood. Neriah & Rebecca made their first home in Macoupin County, Illinois. where they prospered and where their first three children were born: William Hendricks Lewis, Benjamin Marion Lewis and Neriah Robert Lewis. During the winter of 1846-7 Neriah's brother, David, came to visit and preached the gospel to them. Neriah accepted the gospel and was baptized. Rebecca did not join the church at that time. William Hendricks Lewis, who was a young lad at the time, remembered well the events of those years and wrote the account from which the following was derived: "A few weeks after my father accepted the Gospel he sold out and moved to Nauvoo, Illinois. Soon after that we started for the great unknown West, traveling through Iowa to the Missouri River. A crude flat boat was constructed on which we crossed the Missouri River. We joined Bishop George Miller's company and continued westward hoping to reach the Rocky Mountains that same season. However, after traveling a few hundred miles winter came. We met some Punca Indian Chiefs who told us tney had grass, timber and water and we had better winter with them. We accepted their offer, left the trail we had been following and went with them. Just after we arrived at their camp some two or three hundred Indian Warriors came on horseback to serenade us. They were wearing war paint and rode at full speed in single file. They fired their guns as they came and did not forget to give their war whoop. It was very exciting for our people, many of whom had never seen an Indian before. While this was happening an old Chief appeared on the scene, excitedly waving his hands and giving words of command. He said a war party of Paunees were at his camp killing their women and children. On hearing this the Warriers broke their serenade and went full speed to their camp where they had a desperate battle with their enemy. Their war chief was killed and never before or since have I listened to such howling and mourning.

     It was a cold hard winter and we suffered much from the want of food. About eighty persons of our company died of black leg or scurvey that winter. As soon as Spring came we made our way back to Winter Quarters where we remained and farmed during that season. We then moved to the Iowa side of the Missouri River and lived there one year. My mother was baptized in April 1848. My sister, Rebecca Louise Lewis, was born 18 September 1848 in Pottawattmie County, Iowa. The family moved to Platte County, near St. Joseph, Missouri and remained two years before sufficient means was acquired to start again toward Utah.

     Among the loved ones who died on the plains were Rebecca's brother, Allen Hendricks and his wife. This couple were survived by four children. Neriah and Rebecca took these children into their family. A short distance out on the plains we left the old road and went around. the Elkhorn. This caused us to travel about five hundred miles without a road. We had a successful trip and arrived in Salt Lake City on the 7th of October 1851. My father purchased a home in the 15th Ward and we farmed the following season. In the fall of 1852 we moved to Centerville, but returned soon afterward to Salt Lake. The family attended meetings in the old Tabernacle for years and listened to President Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and the apostles of the Prophet Joseph's time. We learned to love and cherish their teachings.

     One of the moet tragic scenes of life is to see small children left without a mother. Neriah was called to witness this again when on December 6, 1854 his beloved wife, Rebecca, died and left four children of her own and two orphaned children of her brother, Allen. When the family had first arrived in Salt Lake, Neriah's brother, Beason and Aunt Betsy, had taken two of the Hendricks children to raise. After the death of Rebecca they took the other two. This beloved couple, at that time, had a family of fourteen adopted children."

     As mentioned earlier in this history Neriah married (2) Martha Catherine Youngblood. Her people were among the early settlers in Perry County, Alabama. Martha Catherine's mother died when she was three months old. She and her sisters were raised in the family of her father's brother, Jessie Youngblood. After the family joined the L.D.S. Church they came to Utah in 1854. In 1859 Neriah went to Cache Valley to help colonize that territory and in 1860 moved his family into the Fort at Richmond, Utah. During the eight years Neriah's family lived in the fort home, four sons were born and two daughters were buried.

     President Young had advised the people to build their homes' close together in form of a fort, to give better protection from the Indians. Such a fort was built at Richmond on land which later became the tabernacle square. When the settlers first arrived the land was -surveyed and each was given two city lots, plus twenty acres of farm land and five acres of meadow-land for pasture. At first a branch of the church was organized, later, when more settlers came, a Ward was organized. The people responded by sharing many pleasant hours, as well as helping each other in their work and in times of trouble. Canals were built to bring irrigation water to the land. The men spent much of their time in the canyons getting lumber for building homes and poles for fences. A sawmill was built in the canyon to facilitate their work. The men usually worked in companies to provide better protection from the Indians. When it was necessary for people to travel between the different settlements they drove a team of horses, or oxen, or they walked. It was customary to stop at the settler's home along the way where teams were fed and food and lodging provided for travelers when needed. Men often walked from Richmond to Salt Lake City, a distance of ninety miles, to attend Conferences of the Church. .

     Cache Valley was used by several tribes of Indians as a winter camping area. Large bands would camp at Battle Creek, which is located a few miles northwest of Preston, Idaho, where hot springs made warmer campgrounds. Pioneers followed the policy of feeding the Indians rather than fighting them. This policy prevented bloodshed for a time, but it led the Indians to believe that their word was supreme law. Their demands were often unreasonable and burdensome. A food bin was maintained at Franklin, Idaho, which is located a few miles north of Richmond, to which the settlers contributed. The Indians drew from this bin. Yet they felt exempt from punishment and often stole cattle, chickens and other . supplies from the settlers. They became a menace by day and a terror at night.

     In 1868 when the hostilities of the Indians had lessoned, Neriah moved his family into a rock bome he had built on his city lot. He carried pine logs from the fort to be used in the barn near the home. Members of his family have since marveled at his strength, because he was able to carry logs which were eighteen feet long and ten inches in diameter. The family home was located across the street from the Southwest corner of the Tabernacle Square. It was cool and comfortable and had a cellar to keep milk and other foods. The orchard bore fruit and they had good gardens. Wilford. Albert Edward and Hattie Arminta were born in this home to complete Neriah and Martha's large family. Although a strong man. Neriah was also very kind and his anger was seldom aroused. Be was diplomatic and wise in judgement and was called to be one of the Church Judges. Most disputes or problems that arose among the people in that period of time were settled by the Church. instead of the law. Neriah was instrumental in bringing about many peaceful decisions. He was a member of the school board. He was loyal to the counsel of church leadership and willing to do whatever he was called to do. even though it meant sacrifice to himself and his family. Because of his love and service to others, Neriah was greatly loved by friends and neighbors who respectfully called him "Uncle Neriah". When he died, 22 July 1890, the heritage he left his children was one of honesty, loyalty to right under all circumstances, love of fellowmen and country and a strong testimony of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the latter days. Neriah and Rebecca (Hendricks) Lewis were blessed with four children, the first three were born in Carlinville, Macoupin County, Illinois and the last child was born in Pottawattamie County, Iowa:
     +          182. BENJAMIN MARION LEWIS. b. 20 Mar. 1842; md. (1) BARBARA YOUNG CROCKETT; md. (2) ELIZA ANN JENKS.
     +          183. NERIAH ROBERT LEWIS, b. 10 Mar. 1843; md. (1) AMANDA JANE ALLRED; md. (2) CAROLINA HYER.
               184. REBECCA LOUISA LEWIS. b. 18 Sep. 1848; died 11 May 1862.

     Neriah and Martha Catherine (Youngblood) Lewis were blessed with ten children, the first two born in Farmington. Utah and the remaining eight born in Richmond, Utah:
               185. ARZA LEWIS. b. 15 Dec. 1856; unmarried; died 10 June 1927.
               186. MARTHA ELLEN LEWIS, b. 24 May 1859; died 6 Apr. 1862.
               187. ORSEN HYDE LEWIS, b. 27 May 1861; died 1 Feb. 1878.
               188. LYDIA LEWIS, b. 18 Nov. about 1863; (early Richmond records p. 89)
     +          189. FRANCIS BYRUM LEWIS, b. 15 Jan. 1865; md. MARY JANE BESS.
     +          190. WILLARD LEWIS, b. 28 Apr. 1866; md. ELLEN HEYWOOD NUTTER.
     +          191. EZRA LEWIS, b. 18 Nov. 1867; md. SARAH ANN BLAKE.
     +          192. WILFORD LEWIS, b. 25 July 1869; md. GEORGINA LUCINDA BESS.
     +          193. ALBERT EDWARD LEWIS, b. 25 Mar. 1872; md. FANNIE ELIZABETH COTTERELL.
               194. HATTIE ARMINTA LEWIS, b. 12 Feb. 1878; died 14 June 1881.

Source:     (101) Family records of Mrs. Jennie (Lewis) Hullinger, Vernal, Utah; Genealogical Society Archives, Salt Lake City, Utah; family records of Mrs. Laura (McBride) Smith, Farmington, New Mexico
          (102) Family records of Ray C. Lewis- deceased; Genealogical Society Archives, Salt Lake City, Utah; records of Howard Lewis, Sacramento, California.